Geodesic Dome Project Book on Cd-Rom
Compatible with Windows, MAC, OS2, and UNIX operating systems
USA/Canada $29.95 + $5.95 s/h |
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Animation © C&R Enterprises
Includes an amazing 10-minute controllable animation of our 4-frequency geodesic dome home construction project, element by element - from foundation-footing to the last triangle being put in place. Stunning computer-generated 3D-renderings provide an informative slide show animation of our geodesic dome being built. You will come away with a better understanding of the building phases of a geodesic dome project. (Animation sequence not compatible with OS2 or Unix.)

We are offering a 175+ page book on CD-ROM showing all of the steps we went through as we built one of the most photographed geodesic dome homes on the beautiful Oregon coast. This book will give you an unprecedented look at what is involved with the many aspects of building your own full-sized geodesic dome home. It is filled with beautiful color photos covering each step of our construction, helpful narrative, plus hints and tips to guide an owner/builder.
Geodesic dome homes are much stronger than conventional homes. When properly designed and built, these structures can withstand wind loads, snow loads, and seismic loads much higher than normal homes. Energy efficiency can make dome homes a Y2K compliant domicile. Spacious and wide open living areas give geodesic dome homes a unique and irresistible charm. Spend an hour in a dome and you will have a hard time living in a conventional home.
- Preface
- Table of Contents
- Geodesic Principals
- Advertised Information
- Planning and Decisions
- Chronological Outline
- Ideas - Sketches - Drawings
- Permits and Fees
- Equipment
- Getting Started
- Building the Foundation
- Building the Shell Elements
- Floor Joists, Supports and Diaphragm
- Erecting the Shell
- Beyond the Dome Shell
- Weather Protecting Our Work
- A New Covering
- Inside Walls and Structures
- Front and Back Porch Decks and Stairways
- Insulating
- Sheetrocking
- Finish Work
- Summary Photos
- Our Project Summary
- Appendix A - Geodesic Terms and Formulas
- Appendix B - Dome Expenses
- Appendix C - World Map & Table of Solar Latitudes
- Appendix D - Solar Path Diagrams
- Appendix E - Hub & Strut vs. Panel Element Construction
- Virtual Construction Presentation
This book is a "must have" for anyone who may be thinking about building their own geodesic dome home.